Readiness Essentials: 3Ps

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Foster Foundational Competency for Undergraduate Nursing Learners

READINESS ESSENTIALS™ is designed to prepare the next generation of bedside-ready nurses! Specifically developed to offer learners a different approach, Readiness Essentials elevates foundational knowledge and clinical decision making across the critically important 3Ps in nursing areas of: 

  • Pathophysiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physical Assessment

These essential readiness courses are pivotal for their success as a nurse, often presenting the greatest challenges early in the program. 

Readiness Essentials is both comprehensive and interactive, combining thorough teaching with practical application. It ensures a balanced approach to learning that reinforces understanding and prepares your learners for real-world nursing challenges. 

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Prepare Nurse Learners with READINESS ESSENTIALS™

What is Readiness Essentials?

  • This innovative solution integrates core 3P concepts into a cohesive, rigorous, application-based experience
  • EHR-style virtual patient encounters require learners to analyze, assess, and apply critical principles across multiple domains. 
  • Learners synthesize information and demonstrate competence, which leads to improved patient outcomes.

Why Readiness Essentials?

  • Strengthen academic foundations and confidence, preparing learners for the increased responsibilities of a practice role. 
  • Challenge learners to think critically and holistically about client care, supporting the development of robust clinical reasoning skills. 
  • Scenarios align with practice standards and applicable accrediting bodies to reflect contemporary and diverse practice trends.

How to Integrate Readiness Essentials

  • Incorporate Readiness Essentials as a course companion to strengthen content retention and build learner confidence.
  • Align content with virtual simulation encounters through pre-simulation activities.
  • Reflect on learner progress through asynchronous EMPOWER® Debrief (AI assisted or typed) and facilitator-led synchronous in-class review/debrief using METRIX™ insights.


ADN Programs

  • Introduce Readiness Essentials throughout early courses to eliminate potential performance gaps and ensure learner competence.  
  • Incorporate Readiness Essentials to demonstrate how students are meeting the competencies from more than one course (in this case, the 3Ps) for cross-course competence.  
  • Assess learner readiness through 10 virtual patient enounters across a semester.  
  • Incorporate Readiness Essentials prior to graduation in Capstone or Leadership curriculum.

BSN Programs

  • Incorporate Readiness Essentials during or after the third course of the critically important 3Ps (Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Physical Assessment).
  • Readiness Essentials is best used as pre-simulation or in-class course content, aligning with virtual simulation topics.
  • Utilize Readiness Essentials for direct practicum, Capstone, and Leadership courses.

RN-BSN Programs

  • Readiness Essentials is best used as a learner assessment when entering the RN-BSN program. This would establish foundational knowledge, refresh and update skills competency from 3P content, and ensure all students start the program on the same knowledge plane.  
  • Readiness Essentials can also be used in preparation for nurse learners going straight into an MSN Program.

Build a Strong Foundation

A strong foundation in pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment is key for any practice-ready nurse. Readiness Essentials easily integrates into existing nursing curricula to optimize student preparedness for clinical practice and future academic pursuits, ensuring alignment with essential nursing competencies.

  • Strong Academic Foundations
  • AI Powered Auto-Grading 
  • Application-Based Approach
  • Perfect Capstone Opportunity

Seamlessly Integrate with Virtual Patient Encounters in a Variety of Content Areas:

  • Typical Pediatric 
  • Adult Cardiac 
  • Complex Adult 
  • Gerontology 
  • OB/GYN 
  • Adult Mental Health 
  • Pediatric Mental Health 

Track Learner Progress

SU-Metrix-Logo-Image.jpgWith METRIX™ Performance Reporting, facilitators view scores by module and highlight where learners excel, meet expectations, or need improvement. Use our benchmarks as expectations or to compare learner groups to:

  • Measure Growth 
  • Evaluate Competency
  • Align With Standards

Data populates into easy-to-review charts and panels where you can isolate course data, group progress, and even highlight individual learner activity. 

  • In-depth, individual performance reporting via our visual data dashboard 
  • Cohort level insights on learner achievements and areas for improvement 

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