Published Works
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) Findings 2021-22: Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View A&M University Studies How Virtual Simulation Affects BSN Students’ Skills, Care, and Confidence
Six organizations received the 2021 Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG) to study how virtual simulation can improve nursing students’ learning outcomes. Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU), one of the grant recipients, used Sentinel U’s Prioritization of Care® Adult Medical/Surgical Care virtual clinical simulation to measure key indicators for patient care.
With Sentinel U’s help, Prairie View A&M University conducted a descriptive comparative (N=87) study to see if using the Prioritization of Care® Adult Medical/Surgical Care virtual clinical simulation improves nursing students’ clinical decision-making skills, prioritization of care, and confidence. PVAMU used the reliable and valid Creighton Clinical Evaluation Instrument (CCE-I) to measure the impact of the simulation. Laura Gonzalez, PhD, APRN, CNE, CHSE- A, ANEF, FAA – Sentinel U’s Vice President of Healthcare Innovations – mentored the university on using the simulations and conducting the research.
2021-22 SUNSRG Outcomes: Prairie View A&M University
Study Design:
Descriptive Comparative (N=87)
Sentinel U® Prioritization of Care® – Advanced Medical/Surgical Care
The purpose of this study is to determine if the use of Sentinel U® virtual clinical simulation increases clinical decision-making skills, improves prioritization of care, and builds confidence as measured by CCE-I
Self-Report – Over 50% of participants either agreed or strongly agreed they were confident that the simulation covered the critical content necessary for mastery and helped to develop the necessary skills to perform

Prioritization of Care® Adult Medical/Surgical Care
Most interestingly, PVAMU nursing students used two separate studies and two separate instruments. In each instance learners used this virtual simulation, they showed an improvement in clinical judgment even when using different outcome measures.
Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG)
Learn more about the Sentinel U® Nursing Simulation Research Grant (SUNSRG). View past winners, research findings, and apply for the next opportunity to conduct your own research study with an in-kind grant for virtual nursing simulations from Sentinel U®.