The Use of OSCE’s in Nursing Education: A Review Paper
Arwa A. AL-Hamed, PhD, RN, CPNP
Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care (2021, July)
Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) are effective clinical evaluation method. In nursing education OSCEs have been used in a limited way with few reports at the graduate level.
This paper is a review of the literature presenting the advantages and disadvantages of using OSCEs in advanced nursing education.
Nine studies from advanced practice education and eight studies in undergraduate education were reviewed for advantaged and disadvantages of OSCEs/SPs.
OSCEs are objective, valid, reliable and offer opportunities for students to practice wide range of clinical skills. However, OSCEs are expensive and constitute a source of anxiety among students. Nevertheless, students valued the OSCE experience and educators confirmed that its benefits outweigh its cost.
The advantages of the OSCEs are greatly supported in the literature. However, OSCEs are better used in addition to, not to replace, the currently used methods.