
The Role of Simulation in Nursing Education

Dr. William Tammone is the Chief Academic Officer and Senior Vice President for Strategy and Innovation at American Sentinel University, Dr. Melissa Penner is Director of the Empowered Classroom and Associate Professor of Nursing at American Sentinel University

March 2020

The Role of Simulation in Nursing Education, a white paper published by American Sentinel University, delves into the rise of the use of simulation in pre-licensure nursing education as opposed to traditional clinical experiences. This white paper also discusses:

  • The perspectives of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education on patient care experiences with actual patients and simulated experiences.
  • How simulations compare with practice experiences and direct/indirect care activities.
  • The appropriate amount of simulation in a nursing program.
  • Research results for the effectiveness of Sentinel City®, a population health simulation created by American Sentinel University.

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