Arizona Nurse – Virtual Simulation: Impact on Clinical Judgement
Kool’s Study: Measuring Perceived Clinical Judgment
Published April 2021
Using the Skalsky Clinical Judgment Scale, which used a quantitative pretest/post-test design, Amber Kool set out to identify if virtual simulation impacted clinical judgment and in turn could improve patient safety and quality of care.
Kool’s sample of participants in the study was 42, all pre-licensure accelerated BSN students enrolled in their senior semester at Arizona College of Nursing, over the age of 17, able to utilize a computer and read and write in English. The exclusion criteria were pre-licensure students in an associate degree or BSN program that was not accelerated. Students that were repeating their senior semester were also not eligible to participate.
The 10 questions on the Skalsky Clinical Judgment Scale focused on organization and interpretation of subjective and objective data, prioritization and evaluation of prioritized care, and delegation and evaluation of delegated care. In this study, there was a statistically significant increase in perceived clinical judgment scores from pre-intervention compared to post-intervention.
The full article and more can be found in the April 2021 issue of Arizona Nurse.